

“Überschreitungen. Mozarts musikalische Dramaturgie” (“Transgressions. Mozart’s Musical Dramaturgy”)
In: Programme of the Vienna State Opera for the new production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni (Musical director: Claudio Abbado – Stage director: Luc Bondy) pdf

“Die fragile Konstitution des Sozialen: Marginalien zu Le nozze di Figaro” (“The Fragile Constitution of the Social: Marginalia to Le nozze di Figaro”)
In: Programme of the Vienna State Opera for the new production of Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro (Musical director: Claudio Abbado – Stage director: Jonathan Miller) pdf

Strukturierung und Sinn / Die dramatische Funktion der musikalischen Form in Da Pontes und Mozarts Don Giovanni (Structure and Sense / The Dramatic Function of the Musical Form in Da Ponte’s and Mozart’s Don Giovanni.)
Frankfurt am Main, New York, Paris: Peter Lang 

“La escucha del otro. Notas sobre el Spanisches Liederbuch de Hugo Wolf” (“Listening to the Other: Notes on Hugo Wolf’s Spanisches Liederbuch”)
In: …y las palabras vienen cantando… Texto y música en el intercambio hispano-alemán. Helga von Kügelgen (ed.)
Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert Verlag 

“Anàlisi de Vers l’infinit” (“Analysis of Vers l’infinit”)
In: Jordi Cervelló. (Col·lecció Compositors Catalans, Nr. 10)
Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya – Edicions Proa 

Musiké. El Sonido y la Danza (“Musiké: Sound and Dance”)
Pedro Navarrete (ed.), Madrid: Comunidad de Madrid

“La dirección de orquesta en el engranaje de una ópera” (“Orchestra Conducting in the Mechanism of an Opera”)
In: El humanismo de la ópera. Madrid: Círculo de Bellas Artes

“Static Time”
In: Program of the Berlin State Opera for the new production: Duato / Kylián

“Zur Musik” (“About the Music”)
In: Program of the Berlin State Opera for the new production: Herrumbre

“Notizen zur Musik” (“Notes on the Music”)
In: Program of the Komische Oper Berlin for the new production: Duato / Shechter

“Erschütterte Erde” (“Shaken Earth”)
In: Staatsballett Berlin Magazin. Ausgabe 9, Spielzeit 2016/2017, March

“El poder del respeto” (“The Power of Respect”)
Epilogue of Itay Talgam’s El maestro ignorante. (The Ignorant Maestro – How Great Leaders Inspire Unpredictable Brilliance)
Barcelona: Empresa Activa 

Animals Musicians
Pedro Alcalde (Author) – Julio Antonio Blasco (Illustrator)
Spanish: Animales músicos. Barcelona: Lectio Ediciones 
Catalan – Animals músics. Barcelona: Cossetània Editions
English – Animal Musicians. Montréal: The Secret Mountain
French – Animaux musiciens. Montréal: La Montagne secrète
Chinese – 动物音乐家 / Animal Musicians. Beijing: China Youth Press / Roaring Lion Media
Korean – 동물 음악가. Seoul: Darim publishing
Italian – Animali musicisti. Cornaredo (MI): Il Castello
Polish – Zwierzeta muzycy. Wroclaw: esteri
Hungarian – Az állatvilág zenészei. Budapest: HVG Könyvek
Turkish – Müzisyen Hayvanlar. Istanbul: Doruk
Kazakh – Музыкант Жануарлар. Astana, Kazakhstan: Foliant Publishing House

“El silencio del Norte” / “The Silence of the North”
Singular – Documentary – Projects D.ØAK 3, 46-47

Terremotos musicales: Denarraciones de la música en el siglo XXI (“Musical earthquakes: Denarrations of music in the 21st century”)
Pedro Alcalde and Marina Hervás
Contributions from Ana-María Alarcón-Jiménez, Miguel Álvarez-Fernández, Alberto Bernal, Javier Blánquez, Susan Campos Fonseca, Cristina Cubells, Wade Matthews, Eloy V. Palazón, Carmen Pardo, Leandro Posano, Marta G. Quiñones, Carlota Surós.
Barcelona: Antoni Bosch editor  

Metaphor: 24 Images from the History of Philosophy
Pedro Alcalde and Merlín Alcalde – Paintings by Guim Tió
Spanish – Barcelona: Zahorí Books
Catalan – Barcelona: Zahorí Books
Italian – Milan: L’ippocampo
Korean – Seoul: Danchu Press
Russian – Moscow: Ad Marginem
Spring 2025:
French – Paris: Gallimard
English – New York: Penguin Random House
German – Munich: Prestel Verlag

Ludwig van Beethoven: Iberian Songs – With Violin, Cello and Piano Accompaniment
VISO Editorial, A Coruña
First edition of the arrangements on popular Spanish and Portuguese songs that Beethoven proposed between 1815 and 1818 to the Scottish editor George Thompson and which he never published
(introduction: pdf)

Mauricio Sotelo: Lecturas del libro de Job | Sieben Sätze | for speaker, flute and string orchestra (“Readings from the Book of Job”)
Text Editor
Universal Edition, Vienna

Andrea Marcolongo: El viaje de las palabras (“The Journey of Words”)
Text editor
Milan: Mondadori and Barcelona: Zahorí Books.

University of Alcalá de Henares (UAH), Madrid: postgraduate 1995
Madrid University Carlos III (UC3M), School of the Arts 2009
Madrid University Carlos III (UC3M), School of the Arts 2010
Madrid University Carlos III (UC3M), School of the Arts 2013
ESMUC (Catalonia College of Music ): Composition Seminar 2013
Madrid University Carlos III (UC3M), School of the Arts 2014
Barcelona Municipal Conservatory: Conducting 2015
Madrid University Carlos III (UC3M), School of the Arts 2015
University of Barcelona, Faculty of Fine Arts: Master of Sound Art 2020
University of Barcelona, Faculty of Fine Arts: Master of Sound Art 2021
University of Barcelona, Faculty of Fine Arts: Master of Sound Art 2022
University of Barcelona, Faculty of Fine Arts: Master of Sound Art 2023
University of Barcelona, Faculty of Fine Arts: Master of Sound Art 2024

Sound Art and Theatrical Staging
Master in Sound Art – University of Barcelona + Institut del Teatre, Barcelona, Spain
with Josep Cerdà

Introduction to Graphic Scores
Department of Music History and Sciences, University of Granada, Spain

Sounds of Memory
Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, Rome, Italy

Exotica by Mauricio Kagel: Do it Yourself
University of Granada, Spain

Several cycles of lectures at the Salzburg Summer Festival (1991-1995). Lectures in European Universities, Concert Halls and Theatres, with a special mention for the lecture held in 1999 at the Teatro Central in Seville together with philosopher Emilio Lledó on Beethoven and Hegel pdf

During my years in Berlin as assistant to Claudio Abbado and the Berlin Philharmonic, an editorial team along with Jürgen Petzinger from Incontri-Europei asked me to develop an analysis and a “reader” for the concert of Luigi Nono’s Canto Sospeso at the Philharmonie-Berlin in December 1992. The concert was recorded and published in a special DVD edition in collaboration with Susanne Lothar, Bruno Ganz, Angelica Ippolito, Gian Maria Volonté, Ben Kingsley and Umberto Eco.
The Nonoprojekt, using the DVD as supporting material, has been subsequently developed in order to inspire students to reflect upon the idea of freedom, democracy and tolerance in the context of different European schools. From the Faroe Islands to Varna, Wiesbaden to Padua, each school participated in the project with their own approach and variations in the subjects of Music, Language, History, Philosophy and Art. The bearer of the project is Fondazione L’Unione Europea, based in Berlin.