Title: Finisterrae
Director and Writer: Sergio Caballero
Producer: Advanced Music and Eddie Saeta
Cinematography: Eduard Grau
Editing: Martí Roca
Date: 2010
Music (closing scene): J.S. Bach: Sonatina (“Actus tragicus”) BWV 106 for 2 alto recorders, 2 viole da gamba and basso continuo
Piano four hands: Pedro Alcalde
Sergio Caballero’s film Finisterrae closes with the beautiful and mysterious take of a reindeer wandering the halls of a palace. The musical experiment lay in the fact that the transcription of Bach which would sound during the scene was to be played on piano four hands by just one person. I do not recall ever having thought so much about the problem of pulsation as at the time of reaching an agreement in one fellow split in two. Dr. Jekyll was assigned the bass part (viole da gamba and basso continuo). As in the film, it was a world of ghosts.